My workplaces

My Thai and Vegan

Sugar Crush Boba and Ice Cream

Buerre Top

Web Design

Creating and designing the visual elements, layout, and overall user experience of a website.

  • Choosing color schemes, fonts, and photos to create an online website for local businesses
  • Familiar with HTML/CSS
  • WordPress


Increased the visibility and reach of local businesses by branding them on social media.

  • Determined the platforms that could fit and grow the businesses.
  • Identified the target audience for the campaigns
  • Identified KPIs
  • Set timelines for the campaign and analyzed the results

Google Analytics

Gained Insight by tracking website traffic and generated reports.

  • By utilizing Google Analytics to track metrics such as page visits and user demographics, it's possible to gain knowledge about user behavior
  • Google Ads certification

Marketing campaigns

Planned marketing campaigns with the goal of creating awareness, generating interest, and increasing sales of the products.

  • Using Hootsuite
  • Managed budget for marketing campaigns
  • Created strategies by defining target audience and choosing channel, tactics